Transport Boats - About Us
Our Store
1729 First St., Palacios, TX. 77465
Where They Are Built

Tran Fiberglass Boats 18,000 sq. ft Facility
How They Are Built

One Of Our Mold Rooms
This is a 210V Cat Just Out Of The Mold.
Tran Sport boats are 100% hand-built.
The Assembly Room

Starting The Assembly Process of A New Tran Sport Boat

Above is a photo of the plug (top) being removed from the newly formed mold. The mold will be used to form the hull of the boat.

Above: After setting the top section on the 22-T on the left and the 210V Cat on the right, the semi completed boats are moved to the assembly room where the accessories are put in place.

The finished product - This Tran Sport boat was built for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept. Here, a Parks and Wildlife officer was on-hand for the floating of their new boat.